Division of Teacher Education
- Lead curriculum development for pre-service teacher education courses at the elementary stage in the state focusing on pedagogical aspects. Provide one subject matter related assistance for material development and academic support to DIET faculty for Foundation courses of pre-service teacher education – philosophy, sociology, psychology
Develop and coordinate the implementation of the annual work plan for all in-service teacher trainings in the State in collaboration with School Education Deptt. SSA, RMSA, DIETs etc. - Determine training needs to Heads of the Schools (HoS) and other Education Administrators across the state and prepare relevant content (in collaboration with DIETs) and facilitate training’s through national and international partner institutions.
- In consultation with DoE and DIETs, determine trainings needs and support content creation and training for all stakeholders involved in school management, including cluster and block officers, teacher development coordinators in schools, School Management Committee etc.
- Responsible for rolling out and monitoring of all national programmes related to comprehensive school management and evaluation (e.g. Shaala Siddhi)
- Carry out action-research / projects in the field of leadership, middle management education and school system management Ensure continuous monitoring and evaluation of School Leadership trainings
HOD: Dr. Deepika Gupta, Assistant Professor