Curriculum Research and Development

  • Develop curriculum, syllabus and textbooks based on the National Curriculum Frameworks for all the stages (including pre-primary, elementary, secondary and senior-secondary) of school education and across the subject areas.
  • Provide core subject matter related assistance for material development and teacher training (pre-service and in-service) for all school education initiatives in the State including pre-primary, elementary, secondary and senior-secondary education (including vocational stream).
  • Lead the design and delivery of all state-wide in-service teacher training programmes, in coordination with School Education department, SSA, RMSA, DIETs etc. Local need-based in-service teacher training can be planned and delivered by DIETs.
  • Constantly strive for pedagogical excellence by innovating, as well as adapting from national and international experiences, effective approaches for teacher education and school education
  • Carry out action-research projects in the fields of teacher education and school education striving to be rigorous, relevant and innovative. Collaborate with other teacher-education institutions (CTEs, IASEs) and universities for the same.
  • Through the Department of Inclusive Education, provide support for effective mainstreaming of Children with special needs and supporting inclusive pedagogies in schools. The main focus areas would be to work on understanding, analysing and addressing intersectional issues arising due to caste, gender, religious inequities from the pre-primary till senior- secondary level


    HOD: Sh. Sunil Dutt, Assistant Professor